Making movies simply isn't a big challenge anymore. I can do movies with digital cameras or with my mobile smart phone. Cost isn't an issue, neither is technology. Making the movies boils down to ideas and accomplishment.
Professional movie making is still a challenge and requires expensive equipments, lights, a big team, you've to invest in good sound recording.
But these small new movie making gadgets can help me to tell a story.
- Micronarratives
- Idea is needed
- Make a quick content plan
- Context for what culture?
- Who is probably watching?
Connected identity was discussed at a seminar in Tampere 2002. The new tools can be used in learning, teaching, marketing, sales and product profiling.
We don't need a thick corporate manual about communication. The rules are now to be broken by those who adopt the new tools. Movies can be made while walking down the street. We can record transcendental moments and help your viewers experience the environment where you are.
Stand still, go nowhere, send your on-site projections, make it to on-the-spot concrete visual poetry. The potential of transcendence is there wherever you are. Start slow, move to expectancy, deliver a short story, it doesn't have to be longer than 30 seconds maybe 3 minutes and 14 seconds; the definition of Micromovies at that time [2002].
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