Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Keyword Research for Bloggers: A Comprehensive Guide | Copyblogger

Keyword Research for Bloggers: A Comprehensive Guide | Copyblogger: "Keyword research is a fundamental part of online marketing of all kinds, and that definitely includes blogging. Blogs are famous for ranking well in search engines thanks to their structure and frequently-updated content, but if you don’t use the words people are actually interested in and actively searching for, you’re missing a lot of traffic.

Helge: True. I'm still missing a lot of traffic. I guess content is the key. I've to improve on the dialog with my clients and prospects. My blogging "career" is only beginning. Lot's of work needs to be done to get my blogs visited like Bellablonde in Sweden. I will never get there while I'm not a 17 year old good looking blond. She blogs about fashion, looks, clothes and celebrities. How could I make my content feel and look fashionable?

But keyword research goes well beyond search engines. In fact, close your eyes for a moment and imagine a world where search engines don’t deliver traffic at all. Would keyword research still be valuable? You bet.

Helge: Get visibility!

Keyword research, at its essence, is market research. It tells you what people are interested in, and in what relative numbers. Better yet, it reveals the actual language people are using when they think about those topics, which provides you with insight on how to converse with them via your blog."

Helge: What people are interested in. What languages people are using. How they think about a product or a service.

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