Thursday, August 09, 2007

Svetlana Gladkova

jury7.jpg Svetlana Gladkova is the editor of of the blog, a reliable source of information for Web 2.0 professionals. Helge: She is a blogging professional. I'm curious about professional blogging. I guess there are several professional bloggers twittering about new links. Is the idea to drive traffic to the blogs or to find stuff on the Internet? Honestly, I don't know what a professional blogger does. Different companies have different strategies, sure, but it's not about driving traffic to a specific site.

Svetlana Gladkova
Profy Monetizing 2.0: Will It Stick? . Helge: For me the web is a learning experience. I'm editing my part of a eBook concerning Corporate 2.0 / Enterprise 2.0 and my theme is "Virtual Organizations 1970 - 2010". Today I wrote, "It's becoming difficult to draw a line between virtual and real." Second Life uses avatars to represent real living persons.


Svetlana Gladkova - Profy said...

It may not be about driving traffic to a particular site if you are talking about corporate blogging. But if the blog IS your business (which is true for Michael Arrington, Richard MacManus et al) for them blogging is business and they definitely ARE professionals.

Helge Keitel said...

Hello, my first motivation to blog is to express myself. The second one is to write down things down to enhance my learning about new things.

In the beginning of my blogging career I didn't mind about readers. I wrote the postings for myself.

Before blogs I used to write into notebooks. The electronic diaries are easier to maintain.

Blogs, Twitter, Jaiku and Facbook are tools of my trade. I guess they give me positive exposure.

But I write about things that are interesting for myself, not thinking much about a specific audience.

I write a lot. Blogging is also a way for me to improve my English language skills.

The biggest motivation might be curiosity and to learn new things about this fast changing world.