Saturday, February 10, 2007

Mobile Life

Life is mobile. Our digital experiences move with us into new contexts as we listen to music in line at the bank, watch TV on the train or send project updates from a vacation spot. These new mobile contexts (and the devices and technologies that drive them) require new design thinking and solutions.

Who are the expets of mobile life? Who should be given the rights to define our mobile life's? Who is in charge of my mobile life?

I'm in charge. We, the consumers know, what we need to improve the connectivity of our mobile life and work styles. The consumers are voting every single day about the best mobile devices. Car's, Cell Phone's, Computer's...

I got a mail. It promises "a critical insights into how design can improve these experiences and better integrate them into our lives."

The promise is: "As a specialist in mobile user interface and interaction design, Jared Benson, executive creative director, oversees the design practice for Punchcut (, a leading mobile user interface design and development company."

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