Saturday, May 27, 2006

Hello Bangladesh

We are heading for a deeper collaboration with our partners in Europe. But that wan't be enough. There's a need to build contacts to new areas like Bangladesh, India and China. North America is a natural source of mutual interests. New things happen outside our national borders, cross-border collboration is easier than ever. We are only limited by our mental mindsets.

My skype ID visualradio

"Thanks a lot for your mail and comment. Actually, Internet has given us the opportunity to overcome the limitation of space. Can you tell me of any blog forum in Finland or blog network. It does not matter if it is Finish language or English. What I feel is we do not know much about the big world outside of what we can see and understand. 4 days ago, I wrote about "Blogs from Asia: Blogfam- the meeting place for Indonesia bloggers". The blog was in Indonesian language and I even did not understand what they wrote there."

Razib Ahmed
Let me introduce Razib Ahmed:

"I am a Reseacrher and Freelance journalist here in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Right now, I am writing my M Phil thesis on ‘Role of English Language in Information Technology Sector of Bangladesh. I am a Member of Editorial Board of the leading ICT Magazine of Bangladesh, Computer Bichitra (

Besides this I have some past expereince of Teaching English Language in the University level and also being a Research Assistant for MBA department in a University. I have been writing in newspapers and magazines for the last 10 years and I have published more than 400 artilces, featuures, reports, interviews, and tranlsations on various topics. Here are links to some of my writings in Internet: "

At Iterop, US, people talk about a new global measurement standard for consumer generated media. Consumer generated media includes blogs, podcasts, videoblogs and online news forums. With the help of these new tools the world is open for us; if we want to work together and collaborate; to solve problems and to create new innovative products and solutions. One of the ideas at Iterop was to provide marketers with a perspective on why the consumer generated media is important to measure and how to measure it. We are - also at KK-Net - following how consumer generated media is evolving and try to predict future trends.

Back to your questions about how many bloggers do we have in this country. Here are a list of the various blogs I'm writing:

  1. (Finnish, Swedish, English)
  2. (Finnish, Swedish, English)
  3. (Finnish, Swedish, English)
  4. (Finnish, Swedish, English)
  5. (Finnish, Swedish, English)

I would also like to introduce you to
Location:Vasa, Finland
My name is Susanne Sperring and this is my virtual bus stop where I store thoughts, useful links and comment on events in diverse flora.


  • Age: 27
  • Gender: female
  • Astrological Sign: Virgo
  • Zodiac Year: Horse
  • Location: Vasa : Finland

I think she is working with har PhD thesis and studies media and blogging. I think you can get lots of valuable Academic insight from her.

"Cheers all entertainment lovers, there are now goodies available on our website. The papers I wrote for the conferences I'll attend in Athens next week just got up-loaded so check them out to see what conclusions were drawn in the audience research on enjoyment and interactivity we conducted last year. Also, there's a article on audience research on movies and... on my job really... that was recently published in Nordicom."

Myself: I'm Director of International operations at KK-Net - a consulting and a knowledge transfer company working with innovators and entrepreneurs. We help start-ups and grown-ups to find nisches for their products, ideas, services and solutions in the global market place.

    (Information about Finland in my Wikispace)

Networking (this is from my other Blog)

kirjoittaja visualradio @ Tiistai, Touko. 23, 2006 - 11:30:14

Networking is important in innovation activities, especially for those in global markets. Reciprocal communication and exchange are typical for networks. In hierarchies the relationships are often defined in contracts but in networks the transactions occur in interaction. The network development includes trial and error according to which the network members adjust their behaviour.

Learning by doing

The learning takes place when the network members interact with each other. Such process continues until the network reaches the coherence, a dynamic balance in the mode of working. Business networks can be viewed as self-organizing systems rather than imposed by a central controller.

Networking and rapid interaction

For the organizations in rapidly developing fields, the collaboration between different kinds of actors is important. Besides the firm-to-firm co-operation, the collaboration between firms, higher education institutes and governmental research centres are vital. This is in particular valuable in industries with rapid technological or scientific progress.

Exchange resources and knowledge

The organisations can pool or exchange resources and knowledge, and develop new ideas and skills through inter-organisational networks. A single firm has seldom the necessary skills and competences to create globally competitive innovations in the global economy based on horizontal and vertical disintegration, subcontracting and outsourcing.

The Innovation Network

Therefore the network has become the centre of innovation. The creation of knowledge is crucial to improve the competitive position of enterprises and regions. Furthermore, the knowledge transfer and utilization are typical for innovation networks formed by knowledge intensive enterprises and higher education and research institutions.

Short and long term

Networks vary temporally from short term projects to long term relationships: informal networks based on shared experience, project networks with short-term combinations to accomplish specific tasks, regional networks in which spatial proximity helps sustain a common community and business networks as purposive, strategic alliances between two parties. These types can overlap and interweave with one another.

Leadership and management

The development of innovation environments requires different aspects, interests and skills from different experts. One major and time-consuming task is to seek the right people and organisations for the innovation environment and make them to realise the importance of the network and co-operation.

The actors and their interests

The actors of the innovation environments, for example, higher education institutions and enterprises have often different tasks and aims. Some actors insist their own interests and not the broader development strategies. They develop the innovation system mainly along their interests. Especially challenging is to motivate them to support the general regional development strategy.

Have a Nice Day!

Best regards

Helge Keitel

Skype visualradio

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